Fix cabal.project flags
[lsp-test.git] / src / Language / Haskell / LSP / Test.hs
2018-06-09 Luke LauFix embarassing error with publishDiagnosticsNotification
2018-06-08 Luke LauAdd publishDiagnosticsNotification
2018-06-08 Luke LauAdd openDoc convenience function
2018-06-08 Luke LauSwitch to conduit based parser
2018-06-07 Luke LauIntegrate Parsec transformer into Session monad
2018-06-06 Luke LauStart work on parser
2018-06-06 Luke LauRename recorded to replay
2018-06-06 Luke LauUpdate recorded playback to build upon new session
2018-06-05 Luke LauUpdate documentation
2018-06-05 Luke LauAdd manual session testing
2018-06-05 Luke LauStart work adding the session monad for replays
2018-05-16 Luke LauInitial commit