(prev) Daily Report 2025-03-16 (next)

(day start is considered to be at UTC+16:00)

Reported Machine Order

Machine Name Day - 2 Day - 1 Day - 0
bpif3-rva22u64_v-evl-ReleaseLTO__clang_DEV__riscv64 r530423N/AN/A

Number of Tests Seen

Machine Name Day - 2 Day - 1 Day - 0
bpif3-rva22u64_v-evl-ReleaseLTO__clang_DEV__riscv64 16 0 0

No significant code_size changes found.

No significant mem_bytes changes found.

No significant score changes found.

Result Table (execution_time)

Test Name Machine Name Day - 2 Day - 1 Day - 0 Sparkline
  bpif3-rva22u64_v-evl-ReleaseLTO__clang_DEV__riscv64 FAIL - -

No significant compile_time changes found.